Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two Monkeys & A Washtub: Giveaway Diamond Touch Pendant

Ok, I know that I blog about a LOT of giveaways, but this is the best one that I have seen. As a Mom, I take great care to record my children's lives. We have videos, photos, scrapbooks full of paintings and awards, not to mention tubs of baby clothes to remind us of the days when our kids were babies. They are only small for a couple of years, really, and that's not long when you stop and think about it!

The Diamond Touch Pendant is amazing. It is a pendant that has your child's fingerprint right on it! I LOVE it! I would love to have my sons fingerprint on one of these so that I have something to remind me of his babyhood. We don't have long before he is walking, talking, going to school, and then going to college. Really, time just flies! As a mom of six, I can tell you that one morning when you wake up and your child is getting a job and going to college you are going to wonder where time went. Pieces like this necklace are a reminder of a time when things were much simpler. Trust me, caring for a baby might be physically challenging, but raising a teen into a decent adult will take all of the mental stamina that you have! Being able to look at the tiny fingerprint for years to come is truly priceless.

I would LOVE to win this amazing necklace. You can enter here: http://www.twomonkeysawashtub.com/2010/08/giveaway-tina-steinberg-designs-love.html

But, really, if you don't that's OK with me because I want it! If I don't win it I am asking my husband to get it for me with my 3 year old and nine month olds prints. I so love the idea of being able to wear a piece of my sons baby years to share with anyone who notices the necklace!

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